Elon Musk has just explained in even more detail how he plans to colonise Mars by 2024

Tuesday 17 October 2017

A mock-up of the starter city Musk wants to build on Mars (Picture: SpaceX/IAC)

Elon Musk answers questions about the city he wants to build on Mars

Elon Musk has just explained in even more detail how he plans to colonise Mars by 2024, meaning your dream of leaving Earth forever may not be too far off.

Doing an AMA on Reddit’s ‘space’ subreddit, the Space X boss answered questions about his BFR (Big Falcon Rocket) systems and a presentation he gave at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) last month. 

In a paper published in September last year, Musk said he wanted to make humans a multi-planet species. He followed this up with his address at the IAC last month, where he unveiled concrete plans to get humans on Mars. 
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The plan for now is to send two cargo ships up to Mars in 2022, followed by four ships – two with cargo and two with human settlers – that will fly up in 2024.

One of the most upvoted questions posed to Musk was on how he plans to scale the rocket up from the prototype, and when he’s going to do it. 
Undated illustration issued by SpaceX of an Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) (Picture: SpaceX/PA)
Musk replied that scaling up a rocket engine isn’t that difficult, but their main focus is on making sure it’s reliable and safe. 

‘The objective is to meet or exceed passenger airline levels of safety,’ he said, adding that they also needed to focus on flights that can get you anywhere on Earth in just 30 minutes.

‘That will be especially important for point to point journeys on Earth. The advantage of getting somewhere in 30 mins by rocket instead of 15 hours by plane will be negatively affected if “but also, you might die” is on the ticket.’

Another question about the BFR’s engines, and whether they will be 3D printed, also revealed that Space X has developed an entirely new type of high-strength metal alloy.

‘Some parts of the Raptor will be printed, but most of it will be machined forgings,’ Musk wrote. 

‘We developed a new metal alloy for the oxygen pump that has both high strength at temperature at won’t burn. Pretty much anything will burn in high pressure, hot, almost pure oxygen.’

Another Redditor asked if there would be internet on Mars, or if there would be any other communications link between Earth and Mars.
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‘Will there be some form of an internet or communications link with Earth?’ they asked. ‘Is SpaceX going to be in charge of putting this in, or are you contracting some other companies?’ Musk replied: ‘If anyone wants to build a high bandwith comm link to Mars, please do.’ He added that at its shortest the distance from Earth to Mars is three light minutes, ‘so you could Snapchat, I suppose. If that’s a thing in the future’.
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