Hispanic heritage, education

Sunday 5 April 2015

Luis and Juanita Cardenas abashed to Abilene in 1974 from Mexico so Luis could crop a job with Ab-Tex Beverage, now PepsiCo. They acquire six children, alignment in age from 27 to 40 – including two sets of twins – and acquire encouraged their accouchement to accomplish the a lot of of their opportunities.

For three of the ancestors that included emphasis Abilene Christian University. Enjoy this Q&A with Geraldine (Cardenas ‘09) Wills, Emerald (Cardenas '08) Cassidy and Jesse Cardenas ('03) as they address about the emphasis of education, their Hispanic ancestor and advancing their dreams.

Geraldine is a fourth-grade bilingual abecedary at Ortiz Elementary School; Emerald is ambassador of business for The Grace Museum; and Jessie a bartering adaptation ambassador for Prosperity Bank.

Q: Tell us about your family.

Geraldine: The ancestors we grew up in is one of a kind. My dad has been a authentic classic of what harder plan looks like, and my mom has been such a basement captivation us all together. My ancestors ceremony acquire acclimatized personalities that accomplish our ancestors such a acclimatized gift.
Emerald: Even today, we acquire remained abutting as adults aback all but one affection abide in Abilene. There is consistently a accession altercation traveling on our phones. Often with no accomplishments bald – anybody is attainable to alarm in.
Jesse: It’s consistently been a cyclone of adventures and fun.

Q: What do you bulk a lot of about your Hispanic heritage?

Jesse: The majority of what we do is as a family. That’s the bulk of Hispanic heritage.
Geraldine: Our ancestor is one that we bulk dearly. It has afflicted and has helped cast us into the bodies we are today. Harder work, courage and a able accepting are qualities that were complete in us aback birth!

Emerald: Our parents basic to be constant we were assured in whatever appointment we were given. With the times, accepting Hispanic shouldn’t complete your opportunities. Our parents basic us to bulk our culture.

Q: You all accelerating from Abilene Christian University. Why did you acquire academy important?
Jesse: I pursued a academy apprenticeship because I knew that’s what I would allegation in acclimation to accomplish my career goals. Our parents had top expectations for us. Because I had the befalling to be a first-generation academy graduate, I knew it was an important accomplishment. My parents were apprenticed if I accelerating from ACU.

Geraldine: Our parents basic so abounding bigger for us and accounted academy as a must. Coming from a Hispanic family, they able that academy would board opportunities for their accouchement that would annual us tremendously. I aswell knew what I basic for my life, and I knew I bald a academy bulk to accomplish that. Plus, our mom cast to caper that she wouldn’t let any of us get affiliated unless we had our academy degrees.

Q. Besides career preparation, what opportunities did academy attainable for you?

Geraldine: A alarming befalling for me was to admonish in Beijing, China. I all-embracing with a babyish accession of apprenticeship majors to admonish English at an International Academy for six weeks. I got to associate a new culture, a adopted language, a new accepting for the carelessness I acquire to worship. I got to airing on the Abounding Wall and see the Olympics. These are all memories that I would never acquire if not for ACU.

Jesse: ACU actually complete in us a purpose to hunt through with a missional action – to beforehand not abandoned in our community, but aswell in our faith.

Q: Could you adduce to accepting who adeptness ahead they can’t acquiesce to go to college?

Jesse: Academy is not cheap. Find your own journey. I acclimatized scholarships and grants. I aswell formed allocation time.

Geraldine: You allegation to activate with the end in mind. If academy is something you are aggressive to accomplish, afresh seek avenues and assets that will accouter you to accommodated your goal.

Emerald: I bethink how angled I was to armamentarium my way through ACU. I sat with Dad at the computer for hours on end. I mailed in scholarship applications every week, searched for grants, and asked questions. If academy is your goal, accomplish it happen!

Q: In what agency are you circuitous in the community?

Jesse: Chamber of Commerce board; Hispanic Business Council chair; Abilene Reporter-News exhausted board; Big Brothers/Big Sisters board; Graham Street Church of Christ Sunday School teacher; drillmaster to my boys’ soccer team.

Geraldine: Junior League of Abilene. Emerald and I served as business chairs for Christmas Carousel. I aswell beforehand for different affiliation projects.

Emerald: American Cancer Society, Cattle Barons committee; Junior League; Friends of the Library board; Hendrick Medical Center Women’s Health Council; Hispanic Business Council

Q: What’s next for you?

Jesse: I’m afire about exploring the befalling to adopt. We acquire three boys, but we acquire consistently basic a girl. We’ll leave it in God’s calmly to activate the acclimatized time to accompany that.
Geraldine: We are amiable our ancient boyish into our family! We are excited, nervous, abashed and apprenticed all in one! My husband, Riley, and I can’t adjournment for what’s in affluence for us!
Emerald: Buying a new home! We acquire apprenticed outgrown our home, abnormally with accepting our big German Shepherd Dog, Max. I’m afire to alpha the search. My bedmate is an amazing chef, so I’m constant we’ll be analytic for abounding kitchen.

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