Charity Car Donations - Best Ways to Get the Right Deal

Saturday 1 April 2017

Car donations are becoming one of the most popular ways of raising funds for charitable organizations in the United States. It is also convenient for the donors because apart from the hassle that accompanies finding ways to dispose of used old cars, car donors can get a good tax deduction if they follow the proper route to donate their cars or trucks to some qualified charitable organizations.

Supporting the Good Cause

To many, the primary reason they would want to donate their used car to charities would be to support the just causes these charities are servicing. But this may not be the same with others who will rather primarily prefer to get rewarded for the used cars they are donating. It is important to also note that so many car donation programs are now available and this makes it necessary for you to ascertain that your car will be put to maximum good use. It will be a waste of time and energy to have your car donated to any organization that claims to be on charitable ventures but end up using the cars and other gifts for their selfish personal upkeep.

Ways to Ensure You Get the Best Deal While Donating Your Car

There are some charitable organizations that accept car donations by themselves instead of involving a third party to handle the car program. Find them if possible and personally, donate your car to these kinds of charity firms. Many charitable organizations have their own car donating programs and effective handle any incoming car donated to them through their in-house arrangements. On the other hand, if you want to donate your used car through an intermediary or third party, endeavor to find the percentage of the sales proceeds that will finally go to the charity organization you have in mind.

Make sure that the charity organization that will be the beneficiary of your used car donation is not just IRS charity car recipient compliant but is also properly registered in the relevant United States laws. This will afford you the opportunity to have some tax saving from the sale of your donated car.

One vital fact you must note here is that if the car you are donating is picked up from your garage or driveway. The receiver charity organization must have incurred some cost in sending the driver or truck to pick the car. So if the car you want to donate still moves, drive it by yourself to the charity firm’s designated car park. This will save cost and add more value to the cause you are supporting.

Ensure that you properly sign off the car to the charity organization. This will prevent you from being liable to any other incidence that relates to the car in future. Also, keep all documents regarding the handover or sale of the car because you will need them to pursue your tax reduction claims if you wish.

Do not forget to do your due diligence before your donate a car and don’t just jump in at the first ‘mind blowing’ donating offer. Look around and find an organization that appeals to you, make sure you check through the charitable firm’s posture before you donate your car.

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