10 Cancer Causing Foods That Should NEVER Cross Your Lips!

Monday 11 January 2016

While a response to nutritionist might appear to be convincing, the truth is that these aren’t “genuine” nutrition. They have been subjected to over the top cutting edge preparation and are overloaded with man-made fixings, rendering them so bizarre from their unique shapes that our body essentially does not comprehend what actually to do with them. Regularly consuming this sustenance makes lethal develop, which wreaks a destruction on our well-being, as an incredible group of investigative researches appear.

10 Cancer Causing Foods That Should NEVER Cross Your Lips!


It is pronounced as an enemy number 1! General cause for diabetes and obesity.The sugar also makes stress on the liver, digestive system, and pancreas. The nervous system should be compromised by up and around to 50 % every time we eat sugar.

It is very important to remember, though, that not all the sugars areidentical. The natural sugars in the honey and fruits are fine when consumed in moderation.

Maybe is doesn’t look dangerous, but inside our body has the exact same effect as sugar. It makes huge stress on our pancreas and also disrupts the levels of insulin so much that our body is sent in a fat-storage mode.

It is little bit tricky, isn’t it!? We are usually advised to consume milk in order our bones to be stronger, but in accordance to the popular nutritionist and author, Mr. Patrick Holford, we lose the abilities to digest lactose, which is the major milk component, as we get older. Milk can cause food intolerance, bloating, make the body more acidic and provoke inflammatory diseases.
Fast food
This information is something that is not new. As the name says, a fast prepared food is no good for our organism and not even to mention the saturated fats, the sodium and the highly processed meat.

Processed meat
The processed meats are extremely high in sodium and nitrates that makes it very harmful for the health. The nitrates are converted in nitrites once digested and they are forming nitrosamine, which is a powerful chemical that causes cancer.

The entire doughnuts preparation process is from unhealthy ingredients, as white flour, trans-fat and white sugar. Consumption of sugar and trans-fat has been related with a considerably higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Potato crisps
Foods that are fried on a high temperature could form acrylamide, which is known as very carcinogen. Not just that the crisps are high in fat, but they also are coated with salt, which makes them very high in sodium. This increases blood pressure and levels of cholesterol, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Sodas are beverages which contain no supplements that bolster the body. More disappointing, they fill the framework with sugar and chemicals that exhaust our supplements collection.

It has been proven that consuming soft drinks can influence digestive problems and incite longings for 
even more sugar.
It belongs to a processed fat, and mostly contains trans-fats, thatour body isn’t able to process. Margarine can raise our levels of cholesterol and damage our blood vessels. Whenever we consume food that isn’t natural, it becomes toxic burden on our system, and puts immense stress on our liver. In accordance to Natural Health Hub, you should avoid margarines and enjoy real foods.

Canned soups
The canned foods are usually full with salt. Often considered as “healthy” food choice, there are some cans of soup that can contain about 890 milligrams sodium, which is closelyourfull quota of the day

The sodium retain water in our body that put some stress on it, mostly on the heart,and can cause high blood pressure or heart attack.

Source > health tips portal

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