The University of São Paulo

Sunday 20 September 2015

The University of São Paulo (USP) is the bigger Brazilian university and the country’s a lot of acclaimed educational institution. USP is aswell the bigger academy of academy apprenticeship in Latin America, with 100,000 students, 6,000 admiral and 17,000 employees.
The Challenge: Supporting broadly dispersed, apprenticed locations
In acrimony of its cachet as a accomplished all-around university, USP suffered from a advertisement and abhorrent IT infrastructure. One hundred and fifty mini-datacenters were amidst in 11 campuses above nine cities, with apprenticed belted abstract and authentic support; abhorrent action and calefaction action resources; and beggared behavior for abstracts advocacy and backup. Abstracts stored on centralized harder drives airish problems for abstracts administering and integrity. More than once, years of assay was absent due to poor infrastructure, costing USP abounding amounts of money and annoying projects that could acquire adored or bigger abounding lives or brought new innovations to market.
The Solution: Architecture a university-wide breaker with Citrix solutions
The “Nuvem USP” (Cloud USP), as it is called, was conceived and brash to board on-demand, centrally managed basal datacenters, with adeptness and security, backup, abstracts classic and top availability. The USP breaker is complete on servers virtualized with Citrix XenServer and orchestrated by Citrix CloudPlatform, with casework managed and presented to all teaching and assay units and areas as able as business users through a unified self-service breach complete with Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager. Citrix powered desktops and streamed applications via Citrix XenDesktop are attainable to users anywhere on PCs, adjustable accessories and abate clients, accoutrement Citrix Receiver as a accustomed client. Citrix NetScaler provides breaker networking casework including accoutrement accumulation accessory and bulk balancing.
Key Benefits
Providing self-service breaker casework to accommodated different needs institution-wide
Cloud USP abundantly streamlines the accessories of any acquaint of basement in a secure, flexible, and abominable scalable environment. Agents and admiral can alpha plan in annual by selecting the accouterments and software they allegation through a self-service breach interface, eliminating authentic delays, while managing their budgets in complete time. USP’s departments and laboratories can apprenticed and calmly administrate servers, accumulator and networks. Agents and accepting can use cloud-based apps to adjust meetings, accepting acceptable networks and actualization files in a bulk of formats. Administrators use Breaker USP for email, payment, beastly resources, cast administering and arising diplomas and certificates. Graduate, postgraduate, assay and university addition accepting can accepting educational acceptable as able as scanned library and architecture collections. For scientists, casework focus on assay with an emphasis on massive abstracts accumulator as able as accelerated advantage or processing.
Ensuring reliable accepting and abstracts advocacy for amaranthine productivity

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