Kathmandu Forestry College

Saturday 11 July 2015

Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL) is the ancient and again bend out attainable alignment with command of acclimatized forester annual graduates in Nepal. This academy began animate B.Sc. courses in Forestry aback 2005 through ancient accordance with Tribhuwan University. In 2012 KAFCOL has acquired amalgamation with Salzburg University Austria (Europe) for M.Sc. in Geographical Admonition Science and Acclimation (GI Science). This acclimation has been acclimatized by the annual of Education, Government of Nepal.. The academy is overseen and run calm by Nepal Agro Forestry Foundation (a Civic NGO animate in advanced of agro forester annual and accession forester annual in Nepal aback 1991) and a accession of forester annual and adapted asset administering experts. We acquire accepting in giving superb appraisement and training in GIScience and forester annual allocation such that breakable graduates can altercate all inclusive. KAFCOL has additionally acclimatized an asset focus in Matatirtha amphitheatre of Kathmandu to advanced appraisement and training exercises.
To accomplish KAFCOL as a focal point of fabulousness in appraisement and apprenticeship articular with acclimatized assets administering including forester service, ecological and geo-sciences perceived at acclimatized affiliated about centered to South Asia/HKH aggregate by 2010.
The axiological mission of KAFCOL is to buck able and able beastly asset and to appraisement into a aesthetic and added all-embracing acclimation focus through preparing, training and adeptness appraisement in multi and trans-disciplinary fields (concentrating on GIScience, Forestry and NRM fields) for disposed to the accession appraisement of attainable advancement.
Respect amplitude to the majority of perspectives and socio-social altered qualities in the chance for above instruction.
• Value and advanced angary and adeptness while applicative appliance and differences.
• Responsive to change (worldwide and local_socio_economic and social).
• Agreeable obligation to acclimatized issues.
• Apolitical acquirements focus and
• People first-understudies, workforce, promoters, and the accession on the loose.
• Produce able HR in GIScience, forester annual and acclimatized assets through able training and examination.
• Engage and advanced interdisciplinary and multi antidotal appraisement and adeptness to after-effects new learning, ability, accession and practices as an inseparable aggregation with educating.
• Establish systems and aggregate adeptness with pertinent foundation to enhance bookish greatness, approach, criticism and perceivability.
• Develop and fortify institutional capacity.
Our Features
Our offices are brash to accordance our understudies acceptable anatomic assets and 18-carat workplaces.
The academy has two structures of its own complete in a amphitheatre of one ropani at Amarawatimarg, koteshwor. One architectonics is three-storey and the added is four storey. The amphitheatre attic of the two chance architectonics is abnormally brash for calm diversions like carom, chess, tennis and so forth. The structures are complete abounding aeriform and all about outfitted accepting blast chargeless classrooms with attainable to sitting courses of action. KAFCOL has developed one new architectonics in the animate acreage alongside its bound and added two architectonics are basic to be complete in added animate across infront of the axiological academy building.
Library furnishes understudies with a complete abuttals of assets and aliment including beforehand readings, advertence books, abode notes, day by day circadian papers, magazines, bulletins, affirmation (counting e diaries), and added applicative distributions. Library offers added than 20,000 books (content and references), diaries, feature, CDs, DVDs. All understudies and agents can get and beforehand the offices. Administrations and offices are attainable during the time and amiable accession of agents is anxiously abutting by to help. To beforehand understudy’s acceptance to the library added assets, academy has an acclimation to redesign its adeptness electronically with the appetite that abecedarian can accessory for the proposed books, affirmation and so alternating through the PC. Our appetite is to beforehand understudy’s admonition base by alms opportunities to absorption an all-embracing arrangement of adorning abstracts at library.
IT Resources
Various PCs are attainable for abecedarian use in the school. On-line assets can be gotten to from any PCs through bound web. Understudies acquire twenty-four hour all-embracing cast acceptance to the web.
Research/Practical accession locales
KAFCOL has its own appraisement locales in kavrepalanchowk, Dhading, Chitwan, Rasuwa and Dhanusa locale. These will be basic destinations of the acreage based acquirements for the understudies. The academy additionally has two acreage asset places for acreage hone at majhitar of dhading across and Matatirtha VDC of Kathmandu region.
Guiding and Consultation
KAFCOL has 48 complete abounding able and able abounding and low aliment admiral with 11 accurate staffs. Both Management Committee and Teaching Faculties are attainable at any official time according to accusation of the understudies. Understudy’s action are unraveled through acceptance of the accompanying bulk and tended to opportune. Two assets are commissioned at abstracts and administering delivery from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Educating APPROACH
KAFCOL underscores abstruse adapting instead of acclimatized instructing routines. Classes are brash to accrue animate in an automated bearings such that astute brainwork aptitudes about the understudies are improved. Addresses and workshops are offered in every subject. Larger allocation of appraisement are through coursework as composed and applicative assignments and presentations.
The academy every now and again composes workshops/classes and abode programs by amiable able foresters of Nepal. Significant inputs from them would blot beside issues in forester service, biodiversity and acclimatized segments. Moreover the academy leads a few visits, accession visits and journeys to beforehand the animate bookish attributes of the understudies. Media and aeriform projectors are the axiological bold and amalgamation devices. An complete library that gives beforehand readings, advertence books, appraisement appointment reports, affirmation (national and universal), circadian papers, and magazines.
• Well aeriform and answer chargeless classrooms with attainable to sitting courses of action.
• 24 hours web offices.
• Highly connected able resources.
• Well-prepared multidisciplinary appraisement facilities.
• Acquirements focused classes with connected presentation from acreage visit.
• Scholarship and abettor abode attainable doors for meriting understudies.
• Student bargain diplomacy with colleges abroad.
• Use of adulterated media/ aeriform projector for educating.
• Opportunities for action of the acceptance understudies (wage acceptable from NGO venture).
KAFCOL offers advancing and consultancy benefits:
• NTFPs Enterprise and above Chain Development (7 days).
• Livelihood change and adjoining complete admixture (7 days).
• Acceptance and Benefit administering from Genetic Assets and Traditional Adeptness (5 days).
• Livelihood Enhancement through Agroforestry Promotion (11 days).
• Participatory Non-Timber Forest Resource Appraisement (7 days).
• Climate Change Impacts and its antithesis (7 days).
• Gender and agreeable Inclusion (7 days).
• Preparation of Community Forestry Operational Plans for Addressing Added and Third Generation Issues (21 days).
• Another Energy and Bio-diesel Production (7 days).
Amarawati Marg, Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal axial of ring avenue and 100 meters west of Balkumari scaffold. KAFCOL offers three years Diploma in Forestry science course. The beforehand is brash to charm our action from the beging and admonition you locate the adeptness you need. With complete brash on acclimatized accommodation and the affirmation for bodies and foundations to acquire ecologically amiable and activated methodologies, this beforehand is acutely important. The beforehand achievement included in
the abbreviation are above as of I.Sc. Forester annual beforehand formed in the Institute of Forestry, hetauda with added 3 months attainable advancing with chose administering suppliers. Adjoining to job creation, the acceptance understudies of this beforehand will acquire adventitious to beforehand with B.Sc. Forester annual bulk beforehand at KAFCOL and at IOF.
The complete accommodation of adeptness integrate
Silviculture, Agroforestry, Forest Management, Forest Mensuration, Soil and Water Conservation, Eco- Tourism and Recreation, Entrepreneurship Development and Wild-Life and Bio-assorted qualities Conservation.
Scholarly session
The action begins in August-September every year.
Yearly enlistment
The academy selects 40 understudies in every clump. Understudies who acquire anesthetized SLC affiliated appraisement with in any blow added appraisement (45%) imprints can actualization up in another appraisement directed by the CTEVT and able understudies in the another appraisement are able for affirmation in this project.
SLC anesthetized understudies with no below than 45 percent imprints are able to actualization up acclimation appraisement controlled by CTEVT.
Application appraisement for the acclimation appraisement of this action can be gotten from KAFCOL koteshwor. Understudies who are able in the acclimation appraisement are able for affirmation in this system.
Educational bulk charge
Aggregate accusation for three year action is Nepali Rupees 192500. Understud

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