Writing Articles for the Education Market

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Article writing can be a great way to share your expertise with a wider audience. Thanks to the internet, information on almost any subject can be accessed instantaneously, by the simple click of a button or a quick dig around a search engine. This is great for anyone trying to find out more about a particular subject, but it is also important for anyone who wants to share their knowledge and expertise with the wider world. Before the introduction of the internet, the only real ways of sharing knowledge and experiences within a specific industry was through publishing articles in magazines or other offline publications, delivering lectures, providing content and texts for individuals to study or through the publication or self publication of books, leaflets or pamphlets on a specific subject. Nowadays however you can write up information that can be published online. It can either be published in the form of an article and distributed across free article syndication sites or it can be published on your own personal web space, such as a website, a blog or even in bite sized chunks through the use of twitter.
‘Education’ is one area of expertise where articles are often required to help improve and share knowledge and experiences within this arena. Education is a massive topic, and it spans formal education through to the learning of skills and general communication. Almost everyone will at some point in their lives be interested in education; whether that be through their need to teach another person a skill, teach another person about a particular subject, or learn how to get more out of their own educational experiences. The world of education is also continuously growing and expanding, with different teaching methods and indeed different areas of knowledge in general coming into play all of the time.
There are lots of reasons why writing articles in education is a worthwhile task. Whilst the education publication market is not a particularly well paying market, if you work within this industry, or hope to work within this industry, then writing an article that has been published and read by many can be a great way to enhance your portfolio, and to make connections within the educational world. In addition, as articles in education are often in demand, and there are many different aspects to education information, there is always a demand for this type of writing.
So if you are interested in writing an article that is based around education, what sort of things should you look to include? Well firstly think about the publication you are writing for. Take some time to read previous issues of the publication to get a feel for their preferred writing style and general audience. Does this fit with your writing style? If you are planning on writing an article for online distribution, think about how you can make your article eye catching and interesting, whilst still being informative. You’ll also need to consider the frequent use of key words to ensure the article is picked up successfully by search engines. For all articles in education, regardless of how they are printed, ensure to focus on a subject within education that is contemporary, conduct thorough research and use quotations and examples from other experts where possible to support your key argument or article theme

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