Health Insurance plans Medicaid and Medicare

Saturday 25 March 2017

Medicaid provides medical assistance to certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources. It is jointly funded by the Federal and State governments. Although the federal government establishes national guidelines, each state has the authority to establish its own eligibility standards, determine the type and duration and scope of services, set the rates of payments and administer the program. Eligibility criteria can be found on the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) website at: 

As part of the plan, the state must offer medical assistance for certain basic services to those living under the poverty level. For adults over the age of 21, the states are not required to provide speech-language pathology and audiology services. To ascertain the coverage in your state, you should contact the state Medicaid agency. The following website will assist you in locating your state agency: 
For children under the age of 21, the Medicaid law requires the states to provide hearing screenings and assessment of communication skills and language development as part of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) service. Based on the findings of this screening, the state must provide services and related devices such as hearing aids and AAC devices to treat or ameliorate the condition. To find out more about EPSDT. 
Medicaid recognizes the importance of school-based speech-language pathology and audiology services although it is a medical assistance program. The federal Medicaid program actually encourages states to use their Medicaid programs to help pay for certain health care services delivered in the schools if federal regulations are followed. Contact your local school district to inquire if they participate in the Medicaid program.


In 1965, the Social Security Act established both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the federal health insurance program that is designated for those people who are 65+ years of age. Although directed towards a specific age bracket, Medicare plans are also applicable to certain disabled people.
Medicare covers most services for assessing and treating speech, language, swallowing, hearing and balance disorders. It covers most hearing examinations but it does not cover hearing aids or tests for hearing aids.
Medicare has two major parts: Part A is hospital insurance and is financed through federal taxes while Part B is supplementary medical insurance and has a monthly premium.
Medicare Part A helps cover hospital stays, limited skilled nursing facility care when daily skilled services are needed, home health care and hospice care. Most services for speech, language, hearing and related disorders such as those effecting swallowing and balance are covered in these settings. Medicare regulations allow rehabilitation services when significant functional progress is expected and/or maintenance care is needed.

Medicare Part B helps cover physician services, audiology testing services, outpatient hospital services, rehabilitation agency services and comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility services. Service for speech and related disorders are covered in these settings.

What should You do before traveling abroad?

The best way to travel safe is to prepare the trip well in advance. Whatever your reason for traveling abroad, previously reported is essential to prevent problems and even emergency situations.

Informed travel is to travel more secure. Here we provide useful for any trip abroad information. In addition to consulting Travel Recommendations specific to the country or countries of destination, it is advisable to consider the following general guidelines:

General recommendations

Travel Consultation Recommendations. They are the main source of information on the country or countries you go to visit. In each one you will find updated information on the requirements for entry into the country information, documentation and visas needed to travel, security conditions, health status, vaccinations, currency and main telephone numbers. It is also advisable comprehensive information on the country of destination, as well as about their customs and local legislation.

Health consultation and vaccination status by countries on the website of the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality.

Bring sufficient means of payment. It is recommended to always have enough money to travel and to meet unforeseen circumstances, ideally through a combination of different means of payment. It is advisable to check that the destination country may use credit cards.Documentation: passports, visas, international driver's license

Preparing the necessary documents: identity card, passport and visa.

The basic travel document is a passport. Exceptionally, you can travel to some countries with national identity.

Besides having travel documents, many countries require a visa. Check if this is the case in Travel Recommendations. To obtain a visa, you should inform the Consulate or Consular Section of the Embassy of the country or countries of destination accredited in Spain. Keep in mind that the processing of visa may require supporting documentation and the concession period is determined by the country. Why should arrange a visa in good time.

Even with all the documentation, including visas, entry into a foreign country is not a right, so it can happen that denied entry to it.

If you drive on your travel abroad, you will need specific documentation and insurance. Travel Consultation Recommendations and the link to the Virtual Traffic Office is in the links on the right of this page.

Traveling record

Make it easy for a family member or friend trip data you are going to perform, including the dates and places of residence and register in the Register of Travelers.

Medical and travel insurance

Many people regret not having signed a medical insurance before your trip when you have to deal with a medical emergency abroad. Since the costs of hospitalization and medical treatment in most countries have to be borne by the patient and can become very large, highly purchase health insurance you have full coverage in case of illness or accident during recommended the journey, including evacuation radicalized aircraft.

For example, the transfer of a patient in radicalized aircraft from the United States may have a cost around 50,000 euros. The trip back to Spain from a patient on a stretcher on a scheduled flight accompanied by a physician can cost around 20,000 euros.

If you visit several countries during your trip, make sure your insurance is covered throughout, even on the scales and short stays.

It confirms that the insurance contract covers all the activities that go to make during the trip, including those considered at risk as diving, paragliding and kite-surfing. In addition, activities related to the world of motor (rallies, raids, driving jet skis and snow, canopy, etc.) often require specific coverage.

Also consider if you're going to do some sport or high risk activity (climbing, caving, caving-diving, etc.), your insurance coverage should expressly include the conduct of this activity abroad and be sufficient to meet everything related to the rescue, medical evacuation or transfer of remains. When an accident occurs abroad, competition in rescue and civil protection lies with the local authorities, whose legislation, protocols and media cannot be similar to those available in Spain. Embassies and Consulates do not have the resources to cope or guarantee costs in case of accident or can secure a better than nationals of the country in which you find treatment.

If you're going to drive around abroad it is advisable to consult first travel recommendations for your destination country and you go provided with accident insurance and liability.

In general, health care abroad is not covered by the Spanish Social Security or by private health insurance in Spain and by the policy that subscribes to buy a ticket with a credit card.

The European Health Insurance Card allows the holder access to national health systems in the European Economic Area and Switzerland under the same conditions as nationals of those countries. Therefore, if the public system is co payment or refund, you will be served in this way.

Furthermore, it is also convenient to hire a travel insurance that covers these and other contingencies that may occur before or during the trip:

• Loss of flights or connections. Note that some airlines do not guarantee or cover the cost of lost connections for delays or cancellations.
• Unforeseen family or work requiring the return ahead of schedule Emergencies.
• Thefts.
• Damage and loss of baggage or delay in receipt of the same.
• Liability.

Remember embassies and consulates do not pay medical or travel expenses.

Travelling with medicines

If you are afflicted with a chronic disease you should take with you the necessary medication for the entire duration of the trip. All medications, especially prescription, should be kept in hand luggage in their original containers with clear labels, and as a precaution may also take the medication in duplicate in checked luggage. You must bear the name and contact details of your doctor information about your medical condition and treatment, details of medication (including generic names of drugs) and prescribed doses.

In the case of traveling with other medical supplies such as syringes, you need to carry a doctor's report certifying the need for such material as may be requested by customs officers or security personnel.

There are specific rules for traveling with psychotropic medications and / or drugs under international control. These drugs cannot move freely abroad so it is necessary to have a certificate issued by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products. In the event that travel outside the Schengen area, will also need a certificate from your doctor. To continue treatment with these drugs abroad is necessary to have a specialist in the destination country, so proper research before you travel.

In some countries some substances are considered legal drug use in Spain, including alcohol and certain medications and therefore are worth their consumption, possession and trafficking. It is therefore important to check travel advisories for each of the countries to be visited.

Travel of participants in cooperation projects

If you're traveling to developing countries, either as a tourist or as supportive participant in cooperation projects or volunteer, it is advisable that:

• you detailed reports about the country of destination travel advisories reading.
• Observes that self-protection measures, if any, are recommended for Spanish residents in the country.
• you obtain prior information in the Technical Cooperation Office of the AECID or the embassies of Spain on the organizers and the projects to be undertaken.

Often, some organizations promoting solidarity tourism activities and volunteerism are not officially registered or provide any security or support for those who travel through them.

Travel of minors

The trip with minors is subject to specific restrictions. Border guards, both inside and outside the Schengen area, has a specific mandate to pay special attention to minors traveling accompanied or not.

In the case of minors traveling unaccompanied, border guards have the authority to conduct a thorough inspection of documents and travel documents in order to ensure that minors do not leave the territory against the wishes of the people who exercise custody.

If minors traveling unaccompanied, border agent may request documentation to prove the power of / or accompanying the undersigned travel authorization child with another adult homeland. Also, if the minor is accompanied by only one parent, you can also request specific authorization from the absent parent or make a more detailed investigation if it suspects that it has been unlawfully deprived of custody of the child to whom the exercise.

It is recommended that, in general, if the child is traveling alone, accompanied by a single parent or by third parties:

• Carry the express authorization, if any, of the parents, the absent parent or person legally exercising parental authority.
• Carrying ordinary travel documents (passport or national identity card, if applicable)
• Carry the documentation to prove paternity and custody as the case and the country of destination.

The requirement on the type of authorization and the circumstances in which it is required is highly variable depending on the country of destination and local laws and customs. If in doubt, you should consult the embassy or consulate of the country of destination.

Things You Should Know About Your Student Loans

When it comes to student loans nothing is straight forward, which is why it’s important to stay informed and fully understand the small print.
Student loans come with a lot of work, a lot of paperwork, and a lot of fine print. There are many things that people aren’t aware of until a mistake has already been made and it’s too late to fix it. With that in mind, here is a basic list of things you might not know about your student loans.

1. Bankruptcy will not erase your student loans.

Once you have committed to borrowing funds, you will be paying them back in full. The only exceptions to this rule is loan forgiveness, which comes with a strict list of stipulations and requirements, including working for a non-profit government facility, and death. These are hard times financially for a lot of Americans, but unfortunately not even bankruptcy will get you a free pass on your loans. Make sure you have a plan in place to pay them off, and stick to it as much as you are able.

2. Interest consolidation can catch you off guard.

This one certainly took me by surprise. I woke up one day, logged into my student loan account online, and saw that my principle balance had increased by over $100 overnight. An email arrived shortly after announcing the previously unexpected interest consolidation. My student loan provider took the interest that had accrued and consolidated it into my balance, thereby increasing the amount of interest that could further accrue. Luckily I was able to keep paying my loans down quickly and it wasn’t too much of a setback, but it certainly was a shock.

3. Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Loans can make all the difference.

When you hear “grace period”, it sounds amazing. You get six months interest free to figure out your debt payoff plan? But there’s a bit of a catch to that. Federal loans will come as either subsidized or unsubsidized loans. Subsidized loans are offered when there has been proof of financial need. While you are enrolled in school at least half time, the government will pay the interest on the loan until you either graduate or leave school, followed by a six month grace period. Unsubsidized loans on the other hand, do not require proof of financial need, but you are responsible for paying interest, even while still in school. If you go into deferment, the same conditions apply. Interest can build up quickly, so be aware of how your loans operate.  Private student loans also accrue interest during the grace period.

4. Tax and wage deductions can be applied if you aren’t paying on time.

There are consequences for failing to make consistent on-time payments. Your wages can be garnished, and your tax return can be withheld and rerouted for repayment of your loans if you are behind on payments. It can also have negative long term effects on your credit score, so be sure you are on top of your payments as often as possible, and in touch with your loan provider when you are having trouble. Communication can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

5. If your parents sign the loan, they are responsible for the costs.

Often it’s difficult to take out loans for school simply because many students are too young. At 18, there is usually little to no viable credit, which limits or eliminates options. Often, parents have to sign or cosign loans for their children. When parents sign the papers, they are held responsible, often under terms of collateral, such as losing their house or other assets if payments aren’t made. Many people aren’t aware of this, and often make irresponsible spending choices because of it rather than consistent payments on their loans. Don’t put your parents in a difficult position. Know about your loans, your payment schedule, and your budget plan and stick to it!

6. It’s not as scary as it sounds.

A lot of big words and scary paperwork comes with student loans. Pay attention and ask questions when you have them. Your parents, loan providers, and even helpful bloggers on the internet (like me) are happy to answer your questions. You’ll feel much better and less stressed once you take the time to learn about and understand your loan’s terms and conditions. It’s all going to be OK!

Interest On Your Student Loan Save You Money On Your Taxes?

Student loan holders, check your emails and your mail boxes! A form might be coming your way that could save you some money!

Student Loan Interest = Tax Deduction?

Student loan interest, in some cases, is tax deductible. As we head into tax season, some student loan providers will be giving online access to a 1098-E form so that you can claim your student loan interest as a deduction. You can claim up to $2500 if you are eligible! As always, however, there are some requirements that must be met first.

What are the Requirements?

According to the IRS, “you may be able to deduct interest you pay on a qualified student loan. Generally, the amount you may deduct is the lesser of $2,500 or the amount of interest you actually paid.”
If all of the following apply to your situation, you can claim the deduction on your taxes:
  • If you are legally required to pay interest on an approved student loan
  • If you then paid a minimum of $600 of interest on a student loan within the year 2015 (or the tax year in question)
  • If you are filing your taxes as single or joint/married, but not married filing separately
  • If you make less per year than a specific amount which is set by the IRS
  • If you cannot be claimed as dependent on someone else’s taxes.
If all of these apply to your situation, then you should have no trouble filing a deduction for your student loan interest. Any payment towards student loan interest made before December 31, 2015 (through certain loan providers) is eligible as a deduction this spring.

How Does It Work?

When you file your taxes, the federal government will see your paperwork and say, “You made (insert amount here) this year.”
You will then be able to come back with a rebuttal in the form of your deduction and say, “No, I didn’t take home that much, because (insert amount here) went to my student loans.”  They will then decide whether or not you have a lower taxable income, based on how much of your money went to paying your loan interest.
Contact your loan provider, or use their online calculators to figure out your interest for the year, or log into your online student loan management account to see if they have provided you with a 1098-e form. Keep it handy so that you have it when it comes time to file your taxes.

Anything I Should Keep In Mind?

One thing I cannot stress enough, don’t change your repayment schedule. While there is a good chance that if you meet all the requirements, you will receive a larger tax return and a bigger tax break, you are not guaranteed either of those things and the possibility shouldn’t play a large factor in your payoff plan.
Here’s to hoping for savings!

What will your student loan cover?

When most people think about loans, it’s in the context of borrowing money to pay for something they want, such as a home, car or in the case ofstudent loans, a college education. Many students, however, are unsure about what expenses a student loan can actually cover. Most understand that the funds should be used for education-related expenses and not wasted on unnecessary items, such as alcohol or a new PS4, but determining what qualifies as an eligible expense may not be as easy as it seems. The most simple way to determine your borrowing limit is to refer to your school’s Cost of Attendance (COA).  In general, a student may not borrow more than the COA provided to them in their financial aid award letter.  To help students understand what expenses their student loans should cover, we’ve put together this list of college expenditures that are generally accepted under federal and/orprivate student loans.

1. Tuition

The majority of students who take out student loans use the funds to cover their college tuition each semester. This is the amount charged per credit or clock hour to enroll in classes and varies depending on the type of college students attend.

2. Room and Board

Student loans will cover the cost of on-campus housing (otherwise known as a dorm room) and meal plans. Commuter students, or those who live off campus, may have a portion of their living expenses covered through student loans, as well. This may include rent, utilities and food expenses.

3. Fees

Along with tuition, most students will need to cover fees for student services on campus. Some common fees include: activities, athletics, health and counseling, technology, transportation and student union fees.

4. Books and Supplies

According to College Board, students will spend an average of $1,200 a year on textbooks. In addition, they may also need to purchase other supplies, including: notepads, paper, writing implements, folders and other items necessary to complete assignments.

5. Equipment

Equipment typically includes computers, printers, scientific calculators and other materials required for classes, but may also cover microwaves, refrigerators, lamps and other dormitory necessities.

6. Travel

Students who live off campus may use student loans to cover the expense of travel to and from campus, including gas and maintenance on their personal vehicles. On-campus students may also use the funds to cover travel during school breaks.

7. Miscellaneous

Additional expenses that may be covered by student loans include study abroad trips (through the student’s home university/college), child care for dependent children, clothing and even cell phone plans.
Students should always check with their financial aid office and student loan lenders if they have questions about college-related expenses that may, or may not, be covered by their loans. Another thing students should keep in mind is that many of the expenses allowed under student loans are not considered a qualified education expense for tax purposes. For example, those who plan to take either the American Opportunity Tax Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit will not be able to include room and board, transportation, or health fees as an educational expense. To limit their tax liability, students should only borrow what is needed and consult a tax professional for advice.

10 Companies That Will Help You Pay for College Fee's

One of the best ways to pay for college is to get someone else to foot the bill. And as luck would have it, there are quite a few companies that offer tuition assistance or tuition reimbursement as an employee benefit–even if you’re only there a few hours a week. Why would they offer such a lucrative perk to someone working part time? It’s really quite simple. Many employers understand that this type of incentive may actually tempt you to work for and stay longer with the company. I know I would feel a sense of obligation if someone gave me $12,000 for college. Wouldn’t you? If you have to work to help pay your college expenses, consider looking into one of these companies that will actually pick up part of the tab.

1. UPS

Part-time employees of UPS are eligible to receive up to $5,250 in tuition assistance per year, up to a lifetime maximum of $25,000. Eligibility begins on the date of hire. Also, most full-time UPS employees started at the company as part-time or non-manager employees, including managers and executives!

2. Publix

According to the company’s website, employees may be reimbursed for not only traditional degree programs, but also some individual courses and online programs. Any associate with at least six months of continuous service, who works an average of 10 hours per week is eligible. Associates enrolled in a four-year college or university, may be reimbursed up to $3,200 annually, with a lifetime limit of $12,800. Associates enrolled in undergraduate courses at a two-year community college, technical program or individual course program may be reimbursed up to $1,700 annually, with a lifetime limit of $3,400.

3. Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo offers several scholarships to children of employees, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 each. In addition, they offer their employees up to $5,000 in tuition reimbursement annually, for eligible tuition expenses.

4. Baxter

Regular employees may receive up to $5,250 per year for undergraduate courses at accredited colleges and universities. Upon management approval, employees may also receive tuition reimbursement for graduate-level coursework, as well.

5. Comcast

Comcast’s Education Assistance Program will reimburse approved tuition, books, and other educational fees up to$5,750 per calendar year.

6. Starbucks

As part of the Starbucks U Program, part-time and regular employees have the opportunity to take advantage of special student discounts (on books, tuition and more) and scholarships offered at select schools, as well as receiving up to $1,000 per year in tuition reimbursement. Eligible employees must have at least one year of continuous service before their classes begin.

7. Verizon

Verizon offers one of the better tuition reimbursement packages, providing its employees with up to $8,000 a yearin education benefits. In 2012, more than 23,000 employees took advantage of the program.

8. Bank of America

Associates, who have been employed for six months and work a minimum of 20 hours a week, are eligible to receive tuition repayment through Bank of America. Under the program, 100 percent of tuition-related expenses (up to $5,250 per calendar year) will be reimbursed for both undergraduate and graduate programs.

9. Oracle

Regular, full-time employees may receive up to $5,250 per calendar year in tuition reimbursement for courses related to their current or future responsibilities at Oracle. Management approval is required. Download PDF with full details.

10. Fidelity

Full-time employees with at least six months of service may apply for tuition reimbursement for up to 90% of of certain costs, up to $10,000 per year (!). Eligibility is subject to manager approval and the coursework must be at an accredited college or university and be work-related.
Of course, getting these benefits is not as simple as submitting your college tuition bill. Some companies will only reimburse your fees after you have completed the courses with a minimum grade (usually a ‘C’ or better) or can show that your college degree is related to your position within the company. Even those that do reimburse upfront may place conditions on your benefits, such as a requirement to stay with the company for at least two years after completing your degree. To ensure you get every dime available to you, contact your company’s HR department and ask about your educational benefits.  You may have to jump through a few hoops, but every little bit helps.

Variable vs Fixed Rate Student Loans

Understanding the basic concept of variable vs. fixed rate student loans if fairly simple.  A variable interest rate will change periodically over the term of the loan whereas a fixed rate will not.  The questions many borrowers face is, “which is better?”  Answering that question is more difficult than you might think–at first.  Let’s break down both, so you can make an informed decision about which type to choose for your student loans.

Federal Student Loans: Fixed Rate

To get started, let’s review five key things to understand about federal student loans.
  1. All federal student loans have fixed interest rates.
  2. The interest rate is set (fixed) prior to July 1st of each academic year and applies to loans made between July 1st and June 30th.
  3. If you attend college for four years, for example, you may borrow four times during each of those academic periods.  Your rate on each of those four loans will vary, but will not change over the repayment term.
  4. If you attend college for four years and you borrow during each academic period, you could wind up with four loans with different fixed rates. But for each of those loans, their interest rates won’t change over the course of repayment.
  5. When you enter repayment, you can decide whether or not consolidating those loans in to a single loan with a single fixed rate makes sense.  Your fixed rate on a federal consolidation loan is the weighted average of the rate on the loans to be combined.  Don’t be scared off by the term “weighted average.”  It just means that the rate on your higher balance loans will count more toward determining the average.
To learn more about federal student loans, and the current fixed rates, see: Federal Student Loans.

Private Student Loans: Variable or Fixed Rate

Now that we have federal loans out of the way, let’s review the five things to know about variable and fixed rate private student loans.
  1. Most private student loan lenders today are offering both variable and fixed rate loans.  The LoanFinder (our tool that helps you compare student loans) only includes variable interest rate programs.  We do this because it’s a bit less confusing for borrowers when they are first evaluating their options.
  2. A private student loan with a fixed rate will always have a higher interest rate than a variable rate loan from the same lender.  Since student loans are repaid over a relatively long period of time, lenders set rates such that if they do increase in the future, they aren’t losing out on the margin they could earn had the loan been variable.
  3. There’s no way to know if interest rates for a variable rate loan will increase. With some research about historical trends and an understanding of the financial markets or, better yet with the help of a financial expert, you can weigh the relative odds that a variable rate loan will increase. But remember: no one can predict the future.
  4. When looking at how rates have changed in the past to guess how they might behave in the future, its important to consider your repayment term of a private student loan, it may be 5, 10 or even 15 years in length. How interest rates fluctuate over 5-15 years may be very different.
  5. To repeat ourselves: no one can predict the future. A good rule of thumb to remember is that when interest rates have been historically low, they have nowhere to go but up.
Deciding between a fixed rate and variable rate student loan will depend on your particular situation and comfort with risk. To simplify what choosing between the two means: When you choose a variable rate, you are betting that interests rates won’t rise substantially during the repayment term.  If you choose a fixed rate, you are betting that rates will increase.

How To Choose

The bad news is that we can’t choose for you. When it comes to federal student loans, you have no choice; your rate will be fixed. For private student loans, it really comes down to a matter of personal preference and your willingness to accept risk. A variable rate may be lower in the short term, but increase over your repayment period. It could exceed the fixed rate option you were presented when you borrowed the loan at any time–now or along the course of repayment. A fixed rate loan eliminates the guess work, but could cost you a lot more in interest than a variable rate loan whose rate does not increase substantially over the course of repayment. The best advise we can offer is to compare your options and make a choice that feels right for your particular situation. If you need more help deciding, we always encourage borrowers to seek the help of a financial planner or other qualified professional.


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